

Upgrade to Windows Vista

Follow these steps to prepare for your Windows Vista upgrade:

1) Find out if your Windows XP-based PC is ready for Windows Vista.

Download, install, and run the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor to find which edition of Windows Vista is right for you and whether your computer can run Windows Vista. If you find that your computer can run Windows Vista, go to step 2.

Please note: The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor works with 32-bit editions of Windows XP and Windows Vista, except Windows Vista Enterprise. It will not work with other versions of Windows including Windows 2000 and Windows 98. The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor does not collect or send any personal, identifiable data to Microsoft Corporation or third parties. See the Upgrade Advisor privacy statement for details.

2) Choose your preferred edition of Windows Vista.

For information about 64-bit editions, visit our Windows Vista 64-bit Showcase.


IMPORTANT: Write down the 25-character Windows Vista license key BEFORE beginning the upgrade or you will not be able to activate Windows Vista.

3) Choose from the installation options available to you.

If you are NOT running Windows Vista then please Download, install, and run the Windows Marketplace upgrade options tool to find out if you can upgrade in-place to your preferred edition of Windows Vista.

An in-place upgrade means you can install Windows Vista and keep your programs, files, and settings from your current version of Windows.

A clean install means your current version of Windows, including all of your files, settings, and programs, is automatically replaced. You can back up your files and settings, but must manually reinstall your programs when the installation is done.

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1 comment:

Club ReM said...


Mi nombre es Javier Polo Pérez y soy Ingeniero, y desde hace varios años me dedico a la Informática de Gestión. He desarrollado varias soluciones informáticas que en el Mundo Hispano han obtenido una buena acogida debido a sus prestaciones y fácil manejo, muchos ya las conocerán sus nombres son: Clinicas @Clinic @OdontoClinic @PsicoClinic @PodoClinic @FisioClinic Inmobiliarias InmoServer Facturacion ProServer @GesPYME Comunidades AdmiCom Veterinarias @VetGes Promocion GesProm Prevencion PrevGes Almacen @GeSTOCK Personal @GesRRHH Turismo @GesTUR

Me gustaría comentar que tras un año de pelea con Windows Vista intentando adaptar mis programas a dicho sistema operativo, lo cual he conseguido con mucho esfuerzo, finalmente he vuelto con mi Windosw XP, por tanto si lo que desean es un sistema operativo estable que no de ni un solo problema lo recomiendo.

Si desean ver mi trabajo y descargarse mis programas en forma gratuita pueden acceder a la web del Club ReM su dirección es o en

Un Saludo

Javier Polo